:: Web Site Maintenance

Your web site is complete. Now you have to keep it current!

It's finally done! Your website is fully designed, the domain purchased, the host paid for, and your website is live on the web! Now what?

If you want to keep your visitors coming back then you've got to keep your website interesting. You do this by periodically changing content, adding content, and "freshening up" the look by swapping out graphics or updating design elements. The web changes so quickly that a year after putting up a website, the look can be outdated and "old" - and that can be a real turnoff for potential site visitors.

Normally, you won't need to completely redesign your site. Small design changes can make a big impact. Changing or adding to content is often a natural evolution that keeps pace with your business or organization and keeps your visitors coming back for repeat visits.

MindLynx Design will be happy to make these changes to your website, based on an annual maintenance contract or on a per-hour basis. Contact us today for further information!